Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pay It Forward...

Today on my way to work I was tailgated almost the whole way and when i stopped at a convenience store the person that was walking out when I was walking in almost ran into me and let the door slam shut in my face. These things can get frustrating and it put me in a bad mood for the work day and I know I am only one person but I would like to have an impact if I can. I'm not perfect by any measure but I make it a point to do at least one good gesture for someone else every day; whether it is holding a door open or picking up something that someone has dropped, or just stopping to give someone a break while driving. I would like to try and see if I can make this practice spread so that we can start interacting better with each other. It's a good feeling to wait a couple seconds to hold a door open for someone and then get a friendly smile and a "thank you". Everyone is in such a rush all the time that they don't want to take the extra second to do something nice. One nice thing goes a long way like a waterfall effect and its easy to do so let's go out and simply PAY IT can't hurt, right?

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