Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Heads Up!

PASSWORDS: Everything you have now-a-days requires a password to be accessed, and most people's main concern when generating a password is to make it easy enough to remember. Well believe it or not, passwords can be hacked :o and "easy enough to remember" doesn't help much. Therefore, safety up! This is just a heads up for anyone out there to analyze all your passwords and make sure they are not too simple; because if someone gets a hold of, let's say your personal information, I would assume it might be of concern to most people. How do I know if my password is too simple? Well it just so happens that I have a list of the top 10 worst passwords to have!

1. Password
2. 123456
3. 12345678
4. abc123
5. qwerty
6. monkey
7. letmein
8. dragon
9. 111111
10. baseball

In addition to the top 10 list above there are other ways to learn how to create safer passwords. Search "how to create a safe password" on GOOGLE and you'll find endless links of information!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sandy Recovery

Hey Everyone, I apologize for being MIA the last few weeks but Sandy hit us hard here in Central Jersey. My home as well as my office lost power for two weeks and I am just getting back into the swing of things. It was nothing short of a disaster scene around here since the storm and its nice to finally see things moving along smoothly again. I would like for everyone to please keep in mind all those who suffered greatly from this storm. I know many people who lost the place that they call home and sadly some even lost their lives. The Jersey Shore suffered the most from Sandy which I know hits a lot of people in a soft spot due to the endless amount of memories shared by so many over the years. It's time for everyone out there to help rebuild! Please donate or volunteer if you are able to, and let's make this a country wide effort. If we all work together, we will see amazing results.