Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Preparing to Sell? Cost Effective Improvements

     After doing my own research, along with asking associate Realtor's for their opinions, I have come up with a few cost effective ways to upgrade your home's appearance in order to generate the highest cost for your home. Appearance is key when it comes to selling your home and just like any situation in life, first impressions are CRUCIAL! The first thing potential buyers see is the outside of the house; therefore, a simple clean-up is the first step. Have some minor landscaping done, this includes mulching the gardens, trimming the trees/bushes/plants, and making sure the walk-way to the front door is clean and presentable. If the siding on the house is relatively new then renting a power washer for a day and going over the outside of the house would make a significant difference. However, if the siding on the house is nearing the end of its usefulness then I would recommend looking into replacing it. This also goes with the entry door to the home, the garage door and the windows; these four things will make a big difference to a potential buyer. Next we consider the inside of the home. The most important thing to consider on the inside are the basics. All appliances, such as washer/dryer, fridge, A/C, heating, light fixtures, etc., need to be up-to-date. If a potential buyer is seeing more and more necessary costs as they go through the basic amenities of the house, they may get turned off before considering all the benefits of the home. Just recently I was showing a house to a potential buyer and as soon as they noticed how out-dated the appliances were I could tell there interest in the home was almost gone. BASICS, BASICS, BASICS!! Keep these things in mind when preparing your house for sale and best of luck for all those in the process of selling. Again my contact info is underneath the posts on this page so if there are any questions or if anyone is in need of a determined and focused Realtor who WILL get the job done, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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