Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Touring A Home: Buyer Turn Offs

Hey everyone,
     Weather is not too good here for yet another day but still gotta stay positive, so lets talk Real Estate. When a seller is preparing to showcase their home to potential buyers they need to keep one very important concept in mind: DEPERSONALIZE!
      The touring process for the buyer is very emotional. The objective is to allow them to completely visualize themselves living in the house and connect with the home on a personal level. If all of the seller's "personal" items are displayed throughout the home it makes the objective almost impossible. For example, one of the open houses I hosted was inundated with personal items. Everywhere I looked I saw another picture of the family, the kids' toys were scattered throughout the home, and they obviously had a few pets. I felt like I was in someone else's house, which although I knew I was, it is not supposed to overwhelmingly feel like that. The buyer needs to picture themselves living there in order to completely connect with the home. So let us go through three steps to cover the most common buyer turn offs in order to keep your beautiful home from giving off the wrong impression:

Step 1: Cut the personal clutter! Clean up toys, shoes, clothes, and TAKE DOWN PERSONAL PICTURES (especially on the fridge).

Step 2: If you have a pet(s), first of all do not leave them there when the house is being shown. Secondly, clean up their toys, beds, food bowls, and if they shed, clean that too.

Step 3: Lastly, bathrooms and kitchen. If they look gross, guess what? people will get grossed out. Weird right? but it does happen. So make sure there is not any old toothpaste or anything hangin' out in the bathroom sink and get the toilet spotless. As for the kitchen the theme continues, clean sink, oven, stove top, and countertops. Kitchen and bathrooms are very personal rooms in the home and could possibly be a deal breaker if not clean.

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